
We believe in nurturing the unique talents and passions of every student. That’s why we offer a wide array of exciting extramural activities, from thrilling sports to captivating performances and engaging academic pursuits.
We’ve witnessed remarkable personal growth in students involved in extracurriculars. The dedication and commitment fostered through these activities cultivate a strong sense of purpose, build character, and create lasting positive change.

Expert Guidance and Support

Our staff members are passionate about guiding students in their extramural endeavors. Many have achieved success in their respective fields and bring invaluable experience and expertise to their coaching roles. For specialized areas, we collaborate with highly qualified external coaches while providing ongoing mentorship and support to our staff.

Teachers in Charge


Name of ActivitySeason / TermsName of TIC / Contact personEmail address
Athletics3Mrs Frances Websterwebsterf@4ways.co.za
CheerleadingAllMrs Jeanelle Ludickludickj@4ways.co.za
ChessAllMr Khotso Lekomolalekomolak@4ways.co.za
Cricket1 and 4 (Preseason 3)Mr Graham Burtburtg@4ways.co.za
Cross Country2Mrs Frances Websterwebsterf@4ways.co.za
Hockey2 (Preseason 1)Mr John Rampheleramphelej@4ways.co.za
Netball2 (Preseason 1)Ms Althea van Straatenvanstraatena@4ways.co.za
Orienteering1Ms Robyn Frisolifrisolir@4ways.co.za
Rugby2 (Preseason 1)Mr Daryll Gatesgatesd@4ways.co.za
Soccer3 (Preseason 2)Ms Samantha Meqemeqes@4ways.co.za
Swimming1 and 4Ms Lauren Fletcherfletcherl@4ways.co.za
Tennis1 and 4Boys: Mr Riaan Swemmerswemmerr@4ways.co.za
Girls: Mrs Kerchia Pillaypillayk@4ways.co.za
Volleyball1 and 3Mr Keegan Lucioliluciolik@4ways.co.za


Name of ActivitySeason / TermsName of TIC / Contact personEmail address
First Aid1 to 4Ms Laura-Jane Whitewhitel@4ways.co.za
Interact1 to 4Ms Emma Dukesdukese@4ways.co.za
Sound and Lighting1 to 4Mr Anthony Claytonclaytona@ways.co.za


Name of ActivitySeason / TermsName of TIC / Contact personEmail address
Band1 to 4Ms Janet Borrill Fombeborrillj@4ways.co.za
Mr Anthony Claytonclaytona@4ways.co.za
Debating1 to 4Mrs Karabo Rammekoarammekoak@4ways.co.za
Drum Corps1 to 4Ms Cindy Brownbrownc@4ways.co.za
Journalism1 to 4Mrs Kameera Goundengoundenk@4ways.co.za
Major Production1 to 4Mrs Janet Borrill Fombeborrillj@4ways.co.za
Mr and Miss Fourways2/3Mrs Nadine Veldmanveldmann@4ways.co.za
Photojournalism1 to 4Mrs Michelle Ahlersahlersm@4ways.co.za
Public Speaking1 to 4Mrs Venisha Subramoneysubramoneyv@4ways.co.za
Spirit Team1 to 4Ms Cindy Brownbrownc@4ways.co.za
Sound and Lighting1 to 4Mr Anthony Claytonclaytona@ways.co.za
Talent Show3/4Mr Anthony Claytonclaytona@ways.co.za
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